Coming in for a Visit
If you are coming in to the office for the first time, please fill out and bring with you our First Visit Forms. Please bring your insurance card and photo ID with you to every visit. If you have a co-payment with your plan, payment is expected at the time of service. Our experience with treating children has taught us that your check-out process is made easier by making the co-payment at the time of registration. After visiting the pediatrician your child may be anxious to return home or restless after receiving an immunization. By collecting the co-payment at the time of registration, you are able to leave the office after your appointment. This saves you time and makes your child’s visit more comfortable.
The doctors make every effort to stay on time; however emergencies are unavoidable in a pediatric practice. We appreciate patients making every effort to be on time; if you are going to be late, please notify the office to see whether the appointment can be kept. There may be times when you will be asked to reschedule. Missed appointments or appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will incur a charge.
Please notify the office ahead of time if you plan to bring a second (or third) child to an existing appointment and want him/her seen as well. Having multiple children seen in a single time slot makes the doctor late and is not fair to those who are waiting.
Well Child Appointments
For well child check-ups please call as much as four months in advance to schedule that appointment to give yourself the most options of scheduling times. Some time slots are in high demand such as after school and first thing in the morning. Well child check-ups are normally scheduled at 3-5 days of age, 1,2,4,6,9,12,15,18, 24, 30 & 36 months and then every year from age 3 years on. This schedule can vary and not all insurance plans permit exams at the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended intervals. Parents will be responsible for payment for visits demanded by schools or camps but not covered by insurance. Please consult your own policies for this information. Visits required for entry Kindergarten should be scheduled in the spring if possible to avoid the last minute rush.
Sick Visits
Children are seen by appointment only. Our policy is to see anyone requesting an appointment for a sick child on the same day if at all possible. If your child needs to be seen on an emergency basis, we will make every effort to take care of you as soon as possible. There may be times, however, when it is physically impossible to see all the paitents who request to be seen on a given day. Our triage nurse can help you decide whether or not your child needs to be seen on that day. Our triage nurses are trained and advised by our physicians. The triage nurse will also help you with advice for appropriate measures to use when care and observation at home is the appropriate course of action.